Our Programs

We offer webinars and courses for high school students and parents on topics such as:

Financial Aide & Scholarships

We help students apply for financial and find and apply to scholarships.


We provide free resources and courses to help students study for their ACT/SAT.

College Admissions

We help students craft applications that stand out. We also help with interview prep, college list creation, essay writing and editing, etc.

College Readiness

We provide students with the relevant information and strategic perspective necessary to succeed in college.

The Blueprint Program

The Blueprint program is for students going into the 9th and 10th grades. Students are supported throughout their high school career. The program helps students craft and implement an individual plan to help them get into some of the top colleges/universities of their choice. Students attend 6 weeks during the summer and 1 weekend a month throughout the school year via Zoom.
The Blueprint program changes students’ lives in Two ways:
1. By crafting mindsets for success.
2. Helping students create college applications that will stand above the rest.
The program provides motivated learners with the relevant information and strategic perspective necessary to earn admission to the best colleges/universities possible. Some of the program’s goals include:


General understanding of college structure and admissions standards for each school


Help students strategically select out-of-school and in-school extracurricular engagement


Identifying a specific high school curriculum that will make the student stand out


Developing community awareness of how those things connect to academia


Selecting and researching colleges/universities and an academic major


Help with developing an academic roadmap


Diversify engagement by exploring areas of academic interest outside of school through things like out-of-school classes, summer programs, shadowing programs, internships, academically relevant volunteerism, etc


Identify the appropriate tests and advise on appropriate preparation


Community advocacy


Defining the ‘academic narrative’ (students and parents will need to complete college ‘brag sheets,’ whereby they discuss the qualities and characteristics that make the student desirable)

Help Us Build Dreams, One Donation at a Time.